Mission & Vision
Abilities Discovered, Inc. was incorporated in 1987 to offer an alternative to segregated services for persons with developmental disabilities. From its inception those associated with Abilities Discovered, Inc. saw the value in people with disabilities living, working and playing in our communities alongside the rest of us.
The object of this non-profit corporation is to provide services and supports to people with disabilities in Middle Georgia. People supported are given choices and their decisions are respected. They live where they choose, they are employed in community jobs and are paid minimum wage or more and they advocate for themselves.
Our Mission Abilities Discovered, Inc.’s mission is helping people help themselves, one person at a time.
Our Vision Abilities Discovered, Inc.’s vision is to advocate for and create change by ensuring people are valued. Abilities Discovered, Inc. believes this begins with people being present and participating members of their communities.
Our Values
Abilities Discovered, Inc. believes that everyone has value, belongs, has hopes and aspirations and shall be encouraged to pursue their dreams. Abilities Discovered, Inc. believes that everyone has the rights to choose, to speak, to be heard, to pursue a quality life and to develop meaningful relationships. Those associated with Abilities Discovered, Inc. will respect and protect these rights.