Incorporation of Middle Georgia Association for Abilities Discovered, Inc. Supported Employment, funded by the Department of Human Resources. Set up office at 507 N Houston Road. Seven staff members left other jobs to work at Abilities Discovered, Inc. (7 employees).
Mental Retardation Day Services funded by state; cut by local governance forcing layoffs of 50% of the staff. Abilities Discovered, Inc. survived. Name of agency changed to Abilities Discovered, Inc. (3 employees).
Department of Human Resources increased Mental Retardation Day funds and didn’t let local governance cut it. Peach County Supported Employment funds given to Abilities Discovered, Inc.; approved to received CFC contribution (9 employees).
Approved and received United Way funding. Governors Council gave a pilot project to show that supported employment to people with mental illness works (13 employees)

Abilities, Babies and Children began. Continued work to the mentally ill. Began participation in Mental Retardation Medicaid Waiver Program. Volunteer program started (13 employees).
Mental Retardation Day and Mental Retardation Supported Work continued to expand. Quality improvement grant from the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. Partnerships 2000 grand awarded (15 employees).
Contract established with the Division of Rehabilitation Services. Independent Care Waiver Program established. Local People First Chapter founded (14 employees).
Participant advisory board established. Automobile grant awards Abilities Discovered, Inc. a car. Quality Improvement Grant (#2) from the GCDD funded (16 employees).
Staff involved in Leadership Program with Chambers. Contracted directly with DHR, no local governance. MR Day Services and MR Medicaid dollars began shifting. MAPS and PATH training received (16 employees).
Supported work program received boost in funding to serve high school graduates. Contracted with South Central MH/MR/SA Regional Board. Approved for Early Intervention Case Management. Acquisition of Ascott (22 employees).
Served five people under Independent Care Waiver Program. Awarded two new vans. Provided child care for conference. Relocated under lease/purchase to 211 Corder Road. Established SIMPLE Plan. Contracted with South Central MH/MR/SA Regional Board 8 (24 employees).
Mission, Vision and Philosophy developed. Establishment of 12 Regional Boards
Home purchased by one of the people we serve
Supported 3 people to move from Central State back to community
Participated in Good2Great. Move toward more of a medical model for persons with developmental disabilities
Developmental Disabilities moved to new division at state level (Behavioral Health). Began supporting individuals with more severe developmental, physical and medical needs. 2nd home purchased by another person we serve. Rearrangement and establishment of 6 Regional Boards. People began to receive family support from ADI. More natural support fostered and less paid support for PWS.
3 people we support at the base restaurant received recognition and awards for outstanding work performance. Otis became employed with the City of Warner Robins. 3 individuals began saving money to purchase vehicles.
Accreditation by The Council for 3 years. 12 PWS began learning to use and using debit cards for spending money and purchases. Strategic Planning Meeting in Florida. 3 people enrolled in the Tech School to earn their GED. 3 people began saving money to go on a cruise. PWS began seeking roommates to share the expenses of living in a home.
1 person purchased a new moped. 1 person’s mortgage paid in full and is now a homeowner. 1 person became employed at his dream job at McDonalds. CLS Clean-Up, which involves CRA homes. 1 person is purchasing hsi own home with owner financing assistance.
1 person (Rodney) has been employed with Publix for 20 years. 1 person finally saw his name on a birthday cake. Abilities hired 7 new people including a Compliance Coordinator for the first time. United Way increased the amount of funding rewarded. 1 of the PWS got married. HFRD reviewed 30 PWS files. Medicaid payback over $500,000. Planning/Implementation to go paperless. Received $500 donation from Robins Federal Credit Union – Holiday Campaign.
Staff began taking classes at HTG. 1 PWS was hired; performing so well and was offered full time position. After 20 years of being in a abusive relationship PWS moved into own apartment. Overall # of staff is being reduced. ADI received letter clearing us of owing Medicaid money.
2 PWS that work on base received full time employment status with benefits.